Our Staff

Dina Vendetti
• Talk to me to learn more about… what’s happening! …at the Chamber, in the community, and where to go to be in the know.
• My favorite quote is… “Don’t worry that the world will end today – it’s already tomorrow in Australia!” – Charles Schultz
• If I could live in any sitcom, it would be? “Cheers”
• If I had one extra hour of free time a day, I would… pick something from my garden, go to my kitchen, and cook something delicious!
• In one word I am… Italian!
• Working at the CDCC, I’ve learned… even more reasons why I love my hometown!

Executive Assistant / Director of Special Events
Cristal Brenneman
• Talk to me about… how the Chamber can help you & your business, any of the CDCC’s 70+ events and programs, and the Military Affairs Committee.
• My favorite quote is… “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
• If I could live in any sitcom, it would be? “Gilmore Girls”
• If I had one extra hour of free time a day, I would… read a book (and not one on my Kindle).
• In one word I am… dependable.
• Working at the CDCC, I’ve learned… what a truly amazing group of people live in this community!

Dierctor of Membership Sales & Retention
Jennifer Sutter
• Talk to me about… all the benefits of becoming a chamber member and how to take advantage of all the free programs to help your business grow.
• My favorite quote is… “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” – John F. Kennedy
• If I could live in any sitcom, it would be… “Cheers.”
• If I had one extra hour of free time a day, I would… learn a new language.
• In one word I am… resilient.
• Working at the CDCC, I’ve learned… how a strong business community can positively affect the community as a whole for the better.

Director of Marketing & Communications
Heather Cregar
• Talk to me about…ways to market your business through the Chamber. We’ve got plenty of amazing resources and unique ideas!
• My favorite quote is…“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
• If I could live in any sitcom, it would be? “Friends”
• If I had one extra hour of free time a day, I would…Paint or draw, cook something delicious, pick flowers, read a book, grab my hubby and dog and walk on a bay beach… and then when I did all that, I’ll start all over again.
• In one word I am… Passionate.
• Working at the CDCC, I’ve learned… The team at the CDCC works incredibly hard to take care of the members and the community…no matter how you describe “community.

Administrative Assistant
Martha Lehman
• Talk to me about… when and where the latest Mixer will be so you can network with others and learn more about other businesses in our local area.
• My favorite quote is… “Don’t expect to get different results when you keep doing the same thing over and over. For things to change, YOU have to change.”
• If I could live in any sitcom, it would be? “Family Ties”
• If I had one extra hour of free time a day, I would… spend it with family.
• In one word I am… patient.
• Working at the CDCC, I’ve learned… there is so much that the Chamber really does do for a business, it’s amazing how they can help a business succeed.

Assistant for Special Events & Sponsorships
Cindy Friese
• Talk to me about… when and where the latest Mixer will be so you can network with others and learn more about other businesses in our local area.
• My favorite quote is… “Don’t expect to get different results when you keep doing the same thing over and over. For things to change, YOU have to change.”
• If I could live in any sitcom, it would be? “Family Ties”
• If I had one extra hour of free time a day, I would… spend it with family.
• In one word I am… patient.
• Working at the CDCC, I’ve learned… there is so much that the Chamber really does do for a business, it’s amazing how they can help a business succeed.

Director of Leadership Central Delaware
Sara Bluhm
• Talk to me about…becoming a Leadership Central Delaware candidate, speaker or sponsor!
• My favorite quote is… “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
• If I could live in any sitcom, it would be? “Gilmore Girls”
• If I had one extra hour of free time a day, I would… spend it with my toddler daughter!
• In one word I am… Dedicated.
• Working at the CDCC, I’ve learned… even more of the reasons why Kent County is a great place to live, work and play!