
We Are Your Voice in Developing Business-Friendly Legislation.
As business owners, you are involved in the rigors of day-to-day management, there is little time to stay abreast of new and/or changing legislation – or to fully grasp the impact that developing laws can have on your business.
Two lobbyists work on behalf of CDCC Members reviewing and critiquing potential effects of legislation at all levels and alert business owners on impending changes.

The 153rd Session of Delaware’s General Assembly
Click here for the CDCC’s 2025 Legislative Agenda
Click here to see current bills actively tracked by the CDCC
Click here to learn more about Delaware’s General Assembly
Legislative Affairs Committee
Tracks and educates business owners on the current legislative bills.
Legislative Luncheon
An annual Chamber event that provides members with direct interaction with legislators on current legislative bills that will affect their business.
Meet the Candidates for the 2024 Election
“THE FINAL GAVEL” 2nd Session Of The 152nd General Assembly
Legislative Alerts & Calls to Action – Communication tools used to inform members of current legislation and to garner grass roots action.
Legislative Liaison Taskforce – Chamber members who meet to discuss specific issues at all levels of Government.
Candidate Profiles – The CDCC conducts interviews with candidates running for office to communicate to members their positions on legislative issues affecting business. Profiles are published prior to elections in the Chamber Connections Newspaper and online.
The CDCC has 2 lobbyists who track legislation at the Federal, State, County and Municipal levels.

Chair, Legislative Affairs