Leadership Central Delaware

Class of 2025 Roster
Lexy Austin
Steve Bednarik, Dover Air Force Base – 512th
Michelle Bergold, Del-One Federal Credit Union
Shanise Boyd, Dover Federal Credit Union
Reginald Daniel – NeighborGood Partners
Carol Ellis – Bally’s Dover Casino Resort
Katherine Girtman – Residence Inn by Marriot Dover
Matthew Heverin – Del-One Federal Credit Union
Jared Hughart – Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
Malcolm Jacob – Dover/Kent MPO
Heather Jones – Bright Side Roofing
Heather Kline – Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity
Amy Krumm – Del-One Federal Credit Union
Martha Lehman – Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce
Jillian Lyons – Bally’s Dover Casino Resort
Deborah Moore – Lean On Me Caregiving
Kallie Moyer – Faw Casson
Selda Munson – Dedicated to Women OB/GYN
Tiara Neal – Del-One Federal Credit Union
Ardyn Overko – Dover Federal Credit Union
Christian Proctor – Del-One Federal Credit Union
Sarah Sadlowski – Advantech
Steven Shorter – Dover Air Force Base – 436 Aerial Port
Joshua Smith – Bayhealth Medical Center
Heather Stewart – Corp1. Inc.
Sal Watson – Bally’s Dover Casino Resort
Toby Watson – Ever Forward Inc.
Clair Weber – Royal Prime Events, LLC
A Special Thank You Again to This Year’s Sponsors for the Class of 2025!

About Leadership Central Delaware…
Now in its 23rd year and with over 500 alumni, Leadership Central Delaware (LCD) creates effective, dynamic and knowledgeable leaders. The LCD program will prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the information, knowledge and resources they need to make our county a better place to live and work. The class is composed of a maximum of 28 participants representing a diverse community. Selection is based upon an individual’s desire for involvement in community leadership and Leadership Central Delaware’s goal of bringing together diverse leaders. It is a ten month program beginning in September with an opening retreat focusing on team building and leadership skills and then meets the first Thursday of each month for a full day exploring Economic Drivers such as Agriculture & Agri-Tourism, Tourism, Energy & the Environment and Healthcare, Community Awareness with topics including Government, Criminal Justice & Public Safety and Media and Communications and Business Development including Economic Development and Education. The Closing Retreat will include a program evaluation, a self-evaluation and leadership training including goal setting, time management and much more.
This is a perfect introduction into the next step, Leadership Mastery. If you have…
- A sincere concern about the future of Kent County and a personal commitment to help shape that future
- A desire to learn about leadership techniques
- An ability and a willingness to commit the time and energy necessary to complete the program (Leadership Central Delaware adheres to a strict attendance policy.)
- An organization/business that fully supports its employees.
…this program is for you!

Tuition costs cover all program costs. Leadership Central Delaware has some scholarship funds available for individuals who demonstrate a need. Scholarships may be provided for up to 50% of the tuition. We also have quarterly Alumni Receptions and a Community Service (BEST IN CLASS) competition among all LCD Alumni. The next level of the LCD program is Leadership Mastery. The Leadership Mastery Program is available to all LCD graduates to further their personal & professional development. To apply for Leadership Central Delaware, click here.
Check Out Our LCD Program Brochure